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Handling of retained personal information

personal information

This refers to information about a living individual that can identify a specific individual based on the name, date of birth, or other description contained in the information (including information that can be collated with other information to thereby identify a specific individual).

Personal information held

This refers to personal information that has been created or acquired by the Corporation in the course of its duties and that is held by the Corporation for use in carrying out the Corporation’s business.

Name of our corporation

Life Data Initiative

Disclosure request system

Pursuant to the Act on the Protection of Personal Information, any person may request the disclosure of personal information held by our organization etc. that concerns him/herself.
The legal representative of a minor or an adult ward may request disclosure on his/her behalf.

Purpose of use of retained personal information

We use personal information for the purposes necessary for our business operations, as set out below.

  • Provision of anonymously processed medical information and pseudonymized medical information

  • To confirm and respond to inquiries and document downloads received by our organization

  • Provision of various information regarding personal information acquired after consenting to the intended use of the information specified by our organization

Disclosure request window

For requests for disclosure, consultations, or complaints regarding personal information, please contact the following office.

Life Data Initiative General Incorporated Association Secretariat 15 Shimogamo Morimoto-cho, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606-0805 Japan Production Development Science Research Institute 1F Email:
Tel: 075-703-8011

Details of the procedure for requesting disclosure, etc.

Please confirm the items listed on the personal information disclosure request form , fill in the necessary items, and mail it to our corporation. In addition, if a voluntary representative is making a request for disclosure of specific personal information, please also submit a power of attorney.
When making a disclosure request, a disclosure request fee is required. In the case of our corporation, the disclosure fee for each application for personal information held that is related to a disclosure request is as follows:

  1. Disclosure fee: 4,000 yen per item

  2. Record copy (A4, black and white): 50 yen/sheet

  3. CD-R: 1500 yen/each

In addition, requests for disclosure will be referred to the medical facility or other source that provided the relevant medical information, and a decision will be made as to whether or not the request can be accommodated after hearing the opinion of the attending physician or other staff member in charge through that facility.

Notification of disclosure/non-disclosure decision

The decision to disclose or not disclose will generally be made within 14 days and you will be notified in writing.

Personal Information Protection Officer

Hiroyuki Yoshihara, Representative Director, Life Data Initiative General Incorporated Association
Tel: 075-703-8011

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