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​Next-generation medical infrastructure law

The Act on Anonymously Processed Medical Information to Contribute to Medical Research and Development (commonly known as the Next Generation Medical Infrastructure Act) came into effect on May 11, 2018.

In addition, the Act on Anonymously Processed Medical Information and Pseudonymized Processed Medical Information for the Contribution to Medical Research and Development came into effect on April 1, 2024.
The Next Generation Medical Infrastructure Act is a law that processes medical information to make it anonymous and pseudonymous so that it cannot be identified from the patient, and utilizes it for research and development in the health and medical fields, leading to the development of medical care in Japan and the realization of a society of healthy and long life.

For more detailed information, please see the Cabinet Office website .

About Certified Anonymously Processed Medical Information Creation Businesses and Certified Pseudonymously Processed Medical Information Creation Businesses

Life Data Initiative Inc. has been certified by the government as a "certified anonymously processed medical information creator (certified creator)*1" and a "certified pseudonymously processed medical information creator (certified creator)*2" under the Next Generation Medical Infrastructure Act. By providing services to users of health and medical information in general and participating facilities, the company will carry out business that contributes to the development of medical care in Japan, as well as improving the quality and efficiency of medical care, improving convenience for patients and citizens, conducting research and development in clinical research, strengthening industrial competitiveness, and realizing a sustainable medical system.


*1: Certified on December 19, 2019.

*2: Certified on December 13, 2024.

About certified medical information handling contractors

In promoting our business, we outsource part of our business to NTT DATA Corporation (NTT DATA) as a "certified medical information handling contractor" stipulated by the Next Generation Medical Infrastructure Law.
​ In addition to complying with the basic information security policy established by NTT DATA, we also properly manage the management of equipment related to information security so that we will thoroughly comply with the security policy established by NTT DATA. We will continue to.

* Please see here for the news release of NTT DATA related to the consignment from our corporation.

System diagram

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